Hospices De Beaune RoofsHospices De Beaune Roofs
©Hospices De Beaune Roofs|Kaptura

Your Tourist Office

All the information you need to prepare your stay: contacts, opening hours, list of tourist service providers…

Plan, Book, Enjoy

Our team knows all there is to know about the Pays Beaunois. Don’t hesitate to call on our holiday advisors for your questions about accommodation, gourmet restaurants, unusual activities, authentic estates….

Beaune, Chagny, Meursault, Nolay, Savigny-les-Beaune, Santenay and our entire region will no longer hold any secrets for you

Need help with your search?

Contact the Beaune & Pays Beaunois Tourist Office on +33 (0)3 80 26 21 30

Our partners

They are here to make your stay a memorable one.

Waiting to come

here are our inspirations