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Survival courses, commando courses, first aid training.
As a former non-commissioned officer in the French Navy's Special Forces, and a member of the Commandos Marine with the Jaubert commando (assault-investigation), I spent many years in a multitude of hostile environments around the globe. From wild Amazonian jungles to vast arid expanses, from high snow-capped peaks to the depths of the ocean... Over the last 25 years, I've had some powerful and unusual experiences, and acquired...
As a former non-commissioned officer in the French Navy's Special Forces, and a member of the Commandos Marine with the Jaubert commando (assault-investigation), I spent many years in a multitude of hostile environments around the globe. From wild Amazonian jungles to vast arid expanses, from high snow-capped peaks to the depths of the ocean... Over the last 25 years, I've had some powerful and unusual experiences, and acquired...
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