The Mirabel hotels & restaurants group has passionately renovated the historic 1896 building into a luxurious 16-room boutique hotel, ideally located in the heart of the historic centre.
The restaurant, Slanted door Beaune, located on the ground floor of the hotel, offers the modern Vietnamese cuisine of the iconic Chef Charles Phan.
The restaurant, Slanted door Beaune, located on the ground floor of the hotel, offers the modern Vietnamese cuisine of the iconic Chef Charles Phan.
Air conditioning
Animals accepted
- Amenities
- Internet access
- Internet access in bedrooms
- Cable/ satellite
- Air conditioning
- Double glazing
- Mini-bar
- Hair dryer
- Telephone
- Television
- Equipment
- Lift
- Bar
- Baby-Ausstattung
- Own garage
- Restaurant
- Reception room
- Services
- other catering
- Laundry
- Customers' safes
- Gepäckaufbewahrung
- Post
- tourist information
- Massage
- telephone messages
- picnic baskets
- lunch trays
- Reservation of external facilities
- Room service
- fax
- Carrier
American Express
Credit card
JCB card
Cheques and postal orders
Diners Club
Eurocard - Mastercard
Bank transfers
Groups (Max capacity)
- 34 Person(s)
- 10 Person (s) mini
- 34 Maximum number of people