22 april > 26 april

Sucrissime Sully, Voyage-Spectacle de Thomas VOLATIER

  • Culture and tradition
  • Easter
  • Workshop or entertainment
  • Kids
  • Festivals
  • Dinner Show
  • Theatre
Château de Sully, Rue du Château, 71360 Sully
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Family entertainment for up to 12 years!

Ah, the International Congress of Mice from the Castles of the World! Those who have never experienced it cannot imagine.
The Prince of the Sugar Factory and the Marvellous Kingdoms keeps a greedy eye on his laboratory, where marshmallows and marzipan are king: he never stops inventing new treats with his head full of fruit jellies, so much so that even when he's asleep, his snoring produces raspberries...
"Ladies and gentlemen, dear children, come...


Base rate
From 9.90€

Child rate
From 1.30€

Child rate
From 9.90€

Payment methods

Eurocard - MastercardEurocard - Mastercard

Opening times

at 14:00
at 16:00

at 14:00
at 16:00

at 14:00
at 16:00

at 14:00
at 16:00

at 11:00
at 14:00


Sucrissime Sully, Voyage-Spectacle de Thomas VOLATIER
Château de Sully, Rue du Château, 71360 Sully
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Contact Sucrissime Sully, Voyage-Spectacle de Thomas VOLATIER
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