Saturday 22 march from 10:00 to 18:00

Dégustation Saint Vincent de Beaune

  • Lifestyle
  • Culture and tradition
  • Farm activities
  • Wine - wine tasting
  • Tradition & folklore
  • Exhibition
  • Festivals
CHAPELLE SAINT ETIENNE, Place Ziem, 21200 Beaune
Please note that the nearest station is more than
The Saint Vincent de Beaune Association is delighted to invite you to its Grands Vins de Beaune tasting at Chapelle Saint Etienne in Beaune.

A choice of great Beaune wines to be tasted on an exceptional day, Saturday 22 March from 10am to 6pm.

With almost twenty Houses and Estates on the stands, wine lovers, professionals and the general public will be able to appreciate the different Beaune Climats and vintages on offer.

Discovery, exchange and tasting in all simplicity are the key...



Animals accepted


Base rate
Eurocard - MastercardEurocard - Mastercard

Opening times

On 22 March 2025
  • 10:00 at 18:00


Dégustation Saint Vincent de Beaune
CHAPELLE SAINT ETIENNE, Place Ziem, 21200 Beaune
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Contact Dégustation Saint Vincent de Beaune
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