Saturday 15 february from 17:00 to 20:30

Concert Cocanha | Chants polyphoniques à danser

  • Culture and tradition
  • Music
  • Music
  • Concert
Le P'tiot Bistrot, 5 route du bout du monde, 21340 Cormot-le-Grand
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Cocanha :
The two singular voices of Caroline Dufau and Lila Fraysse blend together in a hypnotic polyphony carried by the pulse of string tambourines, feet and hands. In this powerful face-off, the two musicians reveal their complementary vocal personalities, woven together by 12 years of artistic collaboration.
Cocanha cultivates minimalism and is rooted in the aesthetics of amplified music, engaging the body in dance. The two musicians draw on the traditional Occitan repertoire, putting...

Opening times

On 15 February 2025
  • 17:00 at 20:30


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Concert Cocanha | Chants polyphoniques à danser
Le P'tiot Bistrot, 5 route du bout du monde, 21340 Cormot-le-Grand
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Contact Concert Cocanha | Chants polyphoniques à danser
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