Friday 20 june from 18:00 to 20:00

Apéritif avec VUE

  • Lifestyle
  • Culture and tradition
  • Culturel
  • History
  • Medieval
  • Nocturne
  • Wine - wine tasting
  • Nature and relaxation
  • Guided tours
Abbaye de Fontenay, 21500 Marmagne
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Friday 20 June 2025 from 6pm to 8pm.

The UNESCO sites of Burgundy Franche Comté are open to you from June to September.
Fontenay Abbey invites you to an exceptional meeting, an aperitif and a guided tour in a private area, after closing to the public.
Limited number of places
Price: 35€/person
Booking essential.
Information and bookings:
Tickets on HelloAsso


Animals accepted


Base rate
American Express
Credit cardCredit card
Cheques and postal ordersCheques and postal orders
Holiday vouchersHoliday vouchers
Bank transfersBank transfers

Opening times

On 20 June 2025
  • 18:00 at 20:00


Apéritif avec VUE
Abbaye de Fontenay, 21500 Marmagne
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Contact Apéritif avec VUE
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